Saturday, August 30, 2008

saturday nom nom

although i considered a boycott after they said they stopped carrying mint chocolate chip icecream...thus leaving me milkshake-less...the food was really good i just might reconsider..

vegan chixen parm with sweet tater fries

mickey eating his po boy with 2 sides of mashed potatoes (apparently the taters were taken off the menu during my hiatus but have made a long overdue comeback!)

after mickey took this picture he threw the camera down in horror and laughed...i'm apparently not very photogenic

the taters look like ice cream

fin by danielle

not so fin by mickey

i win!

critical mass is for lovers

i admit i was a hater...but i've changed my mind...

it was organized chaos at its felt amazing to be a part of

i rode a sting ray 20 miles

viva la bike

Friday, August 29, 2008


that smart old coot...

i can't believe he did it...

obama stayed "safe" and mccain winds up rocking the boat...

i hope everyone realizes this is a ploy...a sad attempt to look progressive...i'm just waiting for SNL to point it out

5:34 in the morning...whatchoo gunna do?

be up because crazy ass people are throwing shit at people's car windows on your block...
your mom yells out the window like a lunatic and you think some shit is going down in your house...

you put together the most awkward of outfits...cause let's face it, it's so humid i'm sleeping in nothing but some underwear...
you pull the first polka dot tank and power puff girls sleep pants you find...
have dried drool on your face and matted hair from the practice the night before...
and don't eyebrows!

of course...officer hot cop (i about died) and his all american side kick showed up...
it made me highly self-conscious at my outfit choice but reconsider my mom's idea of having me become a cop...

ha...cut me some's 5:30am...i basically just went to bed...

only on the 500S block of campbell...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

so that's where she gets it

when i was really young...toddler age...i used to take showers with my parents
they used to switch off and on who got to clean me each day and that seemed to save them lots of time when getting ready in the morning...
my mom told me that it worked for awhile, until one day i pointed to my dad and enthusiastically called out "what's that?"
what that was...was the end of showers with my dad

so as adolescence rolled around, my dad no longer lived with us but not much had changed around the house...

nudity was sort of a free for all...walking around naked in my house was pretty commonplace...shutting the door when using the bathroom or taking a shower was deemed unnecessary, as well as some sort of punishment, as you were left with no air circulation

as i grew older i used to have questions about it...talking to friends I sort of didn't understand why other people had no idea what their mom's boobs looked like...let alone why when it was just them with their families, they shut the door when they had to pee...

i guess it would have been different had my dad lived with us or i had siblings...then there would have been boundaries...

i used to attribute the lack of "nudewareness" to my mom being a euro...but upon further investigation, it turns out that my grandmother, the OG EURO, used to stroll around nude at their house all the time...completely undaunted by any social taboos that might have followed here in the states.

as i got older and my boyfriends got older, sleeping over people's houses became a total crap shoot to what to do.

although i never got many complaints about it being 2 in the afternoon and me watching episodes of Law and Order in the buff, when it came to peeing, i often got a mix bag when it came to needing to shut the door or not...

when i moved out of my house the situations became even more restrictive...even walking around in my bra and underwear wasn't an option...i often yearned for opportunities to run around the house naked/semi clothed without anyone noticing...

when opportunities arose (and there were few, seeing as at one place I had 3 roommates and at the other i lived with a non-local) i would take full advantage! No one could make me shut the door to pee, no one could make me close the door to that hot steamy bathroom when i showered and they definitely couldn't make me towel dry...air drying is so much more satisfying!

but when i moved back home, a lot of what i thought was normal had changed. i had lived on my own for a couple of years and started to develop the same sort of ideas about nudity as everyone else. funny thing is, NOTHING had changed mom still adhered to the lane/ramirez rules of old and freely walked around like it was 1990!

for a while i got really uncomfortable...not understanding what her problem was...i mean for god's sake, i'm could put on a bra! we even had arguments over pressing the issue that i had grown too old to see her butt and that i didn't yet need to know how my body was going to progress as a menopausal adult.

then of course i got to thinking...thinking that the whole world had screwed up this really awesome thing i had going in my house...

what the world is missing out on by their fear and embarrassment is having a really open relationship with the people they care about. i'm not suggesting that leaving the door open when you pee is going to get you a heart to heart, but knowing that i'm that comfortable with someone, comfortable enough at age 25 to walk the hallways of my house nude tells me i can tell my mother anything.

she doesn't flinch when i tell her to look at my boob cause i notice what appears to be a birthmark i never saw before...she doesn't get all weird cause it's my boob...she's seen em before...and when she asks me if she looks weird naked cause she's worried about dating again, i don't think twice about reassuring her...

i don't know...maybe the meaning is lost and i can't put it into words...but when it comes down to it...this is who i am...and as i've found out many times can't change just embrace it...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

gold chain

i used to have the biggest crush on this dude when i was in grade school...

i'm not really sure why white dudes feel the need to do these "video" parodies ala adam sandburg and jt...wait...maybe it isn't a parody...

if i had to be honest it's sort of reaffirmed my crush on Simon Rex and i must admit is pretty hilarious but proof that washed up celebs have too much money and too much time on their hands...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Say hello to Aktar

i got to make out with one of these tonight...

i can save your life with my newly acquired CPR and AED skillz

i will say that 20 derby girls in one room with 10 Aktar dummies is a recipe for disaster...i'm not sure how anything got done

Iowa <3

the mississippi, a really good friend, fresh air, blue skies and a much needed trip away from here...