Thursday, October 23, 2008

did you say justice?

i watched this story on the news tonight.
it was inspiring...
sometimes the little guy does win...
and sometimes people who try to make a buck on the back of others...get just what they deserve

Friday, October 10, 2008

OMFG weekend

i haven't written lately because i've been mad stressed and super busy

getting ready for our eastern regional tournament has been draining

it's 7:15am and we're off in a couple of hours to madison to try and take the #1 spot in the east

it can be will be done

if you want to catch any of my games over the weekend and sit in front of a computer, you can catch a life bout cast (detailed jam by jam report live) and a live video feed @

our first game is at 9:45 tomorrow morning and if we win that we automatically advance to nationals (thank god for byes - 4 games in one weekend is brutal)

after that we have to win 2 more games to place at the number 1 slot

if we win tomorrows game we will have another game at 8:15pm

wish me luck

Friday, October 3, 2008


this is what i have been doing since 8am this morning. watching a live boutcast of the western regional tournaments. i plan on being here all day/night...

roller derby is addictive...get into it!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008