i've been back from portland/seattle for a week now and am still trying to wrap my head around a normal schedule
finally have a job...actually 2 and i'm trying hard to finish up with this semester of school
the eye tick is almost gone but a couple of things that weigh heavy on me make it kick into overdrive
i haven't been in the mood to update lately...but that always has a way of changing
a cliff notes version of my nationals weekend in portland and seattle
we took 2nd in the nation...fell to gotham...again...i just want to beat that team once
lots of crying, lots of laughter, a cookie shaped wood medal and tons of positivity
compliments galore
only got to see a fraction of what portland had to offer...it will be visited again
i had my first train ride across state lines...it was awesome & i even visited the dining cart
spent quality time with my favorite travel buddy...she loathed my nike rifts the whole time :)
fell asleep in the most comfortable bed i have ever slept in...thank you edgewater
my hotel room had a fireplace and the best shower ever
seattle fucking rules!
i'm in love with pike's public market
i wish we had produce like that in chicago
i had the best goat cheese i have ever tasted from a town that's home to the world's largest egg
damn there are a lot of hobos in seattle!
decrime and i made a commitment to move to the pacific northwest in 3 years if not sooner
fiction, diablo, decrime gossip session on plane ride home
larry our flight attendant who incidentally had a crush on me which resulted in free booze for fiction!
wishing i could spend a couple weeks exploring washington state
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